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project:cisco7960g:konfiguration [02.12.2012 13:34] – angelegt goniumproject:cisco7960g:konfiguration [02.12.2012 13:35] gonium
Zeile 318: Zeile 318:
 # SIP Configuration Generic File (stop) # SIP Configuration Generic File (stop)
 </code> </code>
 +===== Schritt 2: Asterisk einrichten =====
 +  [general]
 +  context=default                 ; Default context for incoming calls
 +  ; If your Asterisk is connected to the Internet
 +  ; and you have allowguest=yes
 +  ; you want to check which services you offer everyone
 +  ; out there, by enabling them in the default context (see below).
 +  allowoverlap=no                 ; Disable overlap dialing support. (Default is yes)
 +  udpbindaddr=             ; IP address to bind UDP listen socket to ( binds to all)
 +  tcpenable=no                    ; Enable server for incoming TCP connections (default is no)
 +  tcpbindaddr=             ; IP address for TCP server to bind to ( binds to all interfaces)
 +  srvlookup=yes                   ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls
 +  ; Default value is 70
 +  ; Default: 60
 +  ; Default: 100
 +  ; Default: 1
 +          ; "user" portion of the URI in the From: header with this
 +          ; value if no fromuser is set
 +          ; Default: empty
 +  [authentication]
 +  [basic-options](!)                ; a template
 +          dtmfmode=rfc2833
 +          context=from-office
 +          type=friend
 +  [natted-phone](!,basic-options)   ; another template inheriting basic-options
 +          nat=yes
 +          directmedia=no
 +          host=dynamic
 +  [public-phone](!,basic-options)   ; another template inheriting basic-options
 +          nat=no
 +          directmedia=yes
 +  [my-codecs](!)                    ; a template for my preferred codecs
 +          disallow=all
 +          allow=ilbc
 +          allow=g729
 +          allow=gsm
 +          allow=g723
 +          allow=ulaw
 +  [ulaw-phone](!)                   ; and another one for ulaw-only
 +          disallow=all
 +          allow=ulaw
 +  [7701]
 +  type=friend
 +  secret=7701
 +  host=dynamic
 +  [7702]
 +  type=friend
 +  secret=7702
 +  host=dynamic
 +  [general]
 +  static=yes
 +  autofallthrough=no
 +  [default]
 +  exten => 500,1,Ringing
 +  exten => 500,n,Wait(1)
 +  exten => 500,n,Answer
 +  exten => 500,n,Wait(1)
 +  exten => 500,n,Playback("/home/asterisk/ansage2")
 +  exten => 500,n,Record("/tmp/fc/fullcircle%d:wav")
 +  exten => 500,n,Hangup
 +===== Tips & Tricks =====
 +  * Telefon neustarten: <code>*6-Settings></code>
 +  * Asterisk debugging:
 +*CLI> core set verbose 3
 +Verbosity was 0 and is now 3
 +*CLI> core set debug  3
 +Core debug was 0 and is now 3
project/cisco7960g/konfiguration.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 14.01.2013 15:56 von
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