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Howto add Pages and Posts to www.ccc.de


New Page

  • Pages → Add new
  • ListenpunktEnter Title and Text
  • Set Language on the right according to the language of the text
  • Save and publish
  • When moving pages vom dasalte.ccc.de or www.ccc.de check that the url is correct
  • if you move a subpage, e.g. club/vorstand, you have to select the correct page (here: club) as a parent in the bottom right menu
  • You can add a translation by clicking the green box with the flag on the right
  • Go to Design → Menues and add the new page to the main menu. Take care to add the post in the right language - the other language will appear automatically if you linked the pages correctly.

Adding a translation later

  • Open the page you want to translate from the list of all pages
  • Click the green box with the flag on the right
  • Enter title and text
  • When moving pages vom dasalte.ccc.de or www.ccc.de check that the url is correct. Note that the /en is handled by the language plugin, so if you have www.ccc.de/en/foo, you should use www.ccc-wp.chaosinkl.de/foo as the url.
  • you may run into problems if the same handle is used for the German version (see http://ccc-wp.chaos-inkl.de/club/ http://ccc-wp.chaos-inkl.de/club-2/ ). Note that the name of the translated page does not matter as /en/foo is mapped internally.
  • Save and publish
  • Shortcut: Open the list of all pages and click on the green plus displayed where the flag should be, then continue with step 3.
  • If you have pages that are translations of each other open the editor of one of them. Now you can select the translation in the box on the right
  • Check if you have selected the correct language for each page.


New Post

  • Posts → Add new
  • Enter Title and Text
  • Set Language on the right according to the language of the text
  • Select appropriate categories
  • Adapt the date (otherwise year in the link will not be correct)
  • Add all relevant tags (see right column of ccc.de)?
  • Save and publish
  • When moving pages vom dasalte.ccc.de or www.ccc.de check that the url is correct
  • You can add a translation by clicking the green box with the flag on the right

Adding a translation later

  • Open the post you want to translate from the list of all pages
  • Click the green box with the flag on the right
  • Enter title and text
  • When moving pages vom dasalte.ccc.de or www.ccc.de check that the url is correct. Note that the /en is handled by the language plugin, so if you have www.ccc.de/en/foo, you should use www.ccc-wp.chaosinkl.de/foo as the url.
  • Save and publish
  • Shortcut: Open the list of all posts and click on the green plus that is displayed where the flag should be, then continue with step 3.
  • If you have posts that are translations of each other open the editor of one of them. Now you can select the translation in the box on the right
  • Check if you have selected the correct language for each post.
  • Go to Design → Menues
  • The English menu and the German menu have the same content (just in different languages)
  • Add the pages in the default language and build the menu structure
  • The translated version will be generated automatically
  • The different languages have different content
  • You need to define two different menues. This can be done on the right side of this site by clicking the tab with the plus and giving the menu a name (e.g. English or Deutsch).
  • Define the mapping language ↔ menu in the box on the left.
  • If you already defined two menues and want to edit them, you can switch between them using the corresponding tabs.
  • Add pages to the menu on the bottom left
  • Drag and drop elements of the menu to create your menu structure


  • I translated a post/page but the same version (e.g. both English) is shown for both languages.
  • You forgot to set the post language. Open the post/page and select the correct language.
  • I cannot find my post/page in the list of all posts/pages.
  • Select „Show all languages“ in the rightmost checkbox or select the appropriate flag in the head of the post/pages table. You probably started with a different language than selected by default. (This will be fixed in a future version of the plugin)
  • Why does the website show German posts when I selected English (or vice versa)?
    Either these posts are not available in English, or someone forgot to set the language of a translation (then you can add a translation), or the posts are not linked correctly (then you should link them).
    The language plugin is configured to display posts in a different language, if the selected language is not available.

Tagging (RFC)

  1. too many tags >= too few tags
  2. no synonyms—check list of existing tags before introducing new ones
  3. just because something's in the article's title doesn't mean it should also be a tag. I want to find *all* relevant articles by clicking on a tag. Put emphasis on relevant?
  4. Tags should be all lower-case. Spaces and German umläuts as long as Wordpress supports it (afaik both is supported)

What warrants a tag?

Tags are supposed to make finding related articles easier by quickly summing up the contents.

So when tagging, you should try to „sum up in zero to four words what the article is about“. (including „zero“ and „four“)


  • cities and places (köln, hamburg,…) if the article is about an event / erfa / … in that place.
  • places outside of Germany: also tag with country (?) +1
  • if it's about an erfa, chaostreff, … or an event organized by them: put the „official“ abbreviation of their name as a tag (cccmz, cccs, c3ma, …)
  • names of companies and products (siemens, …)
  • names of events; if there's an established abbreviation, use it (28c3, mrmcd, …)
  • titles of other $things (c-radar, …)
  • names of persons (first name + last name or last name only?) +1 I'd suggest first+last because some last names are rather common
  • titles and names of projects (blinkenlights, …)
  • articles containing a link to a video should be tagged with „video“.
    • what about pictures?
project/wwwcccde/migration.1379404091.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 17.09.2013 07:48 von ebrnd
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